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发布时间:2022-05-20 发布单位:病原微生物研究院









2013-2016 武汉 基础医学院 病原生物学专业 

2008-2011 西北农林科技 动物科技学院 遗传学  

2004-2008 西北农林科技 动物科技学院 动物科学本科



2019-2021 美国Temple大学医学院 博士后

2016-2019 武汉大学 ABSL-III实验室,助理研究员

2011-2013 武汉大学 ABSL-III实验室,助理实验师


 长期从事高致病性病原微生物(HIV,冠状病毒,寨卡)感染、免疫与致病的分子机理研究。有近十年生物安全高等级实验室(ABSL-3)工作经历利用细胞/小鼠/非人灵长类模型,从事高致病性病原微生物感染与宿主免疫系统的作用机制研究工作;研究天然药物、天然免疫和表观遗传修饰在病毒感染及发病过程中的作用,为传染病的预防和治疗寻找新策略。研究方向包括:1. 表观遗传修饰参与HIV潜伏和再激活的机制研究;2. 模式识别受体介导的天然免疫抗病毒感染和病毒的免疫逃逸。在Clinical and Translational Medicine, Cell and Bioscience, Mucosal Immunology, Frontiers in Immunology等国际权威杂志上发表高水平学术论文27篇。先后主持国家自然基金、广东省自然科学基金,中央高校自主科研项目等项目。作为主要参与人,参加国家自然科学基金等多项课题。发明专利4项。参加第22届和26届美国神经免疫药理学会议,获得青年科学家差旅奖一等资助,并做大会报告。2016年获得中南地区实验动物学会优秀学术海报奖。


1. Liu JB, Bodnar BH, Padhiar NH, Khan AI, Meng FZ, Saribas S, Wang P, Wang X, McCluskey E, Shah S, Zhao HQ, Luo JJ, Hu WH, Ho WZ. Correlation of vaccine-elicited antibody levels and neutralizing activities against SARS-CoV-2 and its variants. Clinical and Translational Medicine. 2021. 11(12): e644 (IF=11.492)

2. Liu JB, Bodnar BH, Meng FZ, Khan AI, Wang X, Saribas S, Wang T, Lohani SC, Wei ZY, Luo JJ, A, Zhou LN, Wu JG, Luo GX, Li QS, Hu WH, Ho WZ. Epigallocatechin gallate from green tea effectively blocks infection of SARS-CoV-2 and new variants by inhibiting spike binding to ACE2 receptor. Cell and Bioscience. 2021. 11(1):168. (IF=7.133)

3. Zheng X, Li JJ, Sheng J, Dai Y, Wang Y, Liu JB,* and Xu Y,* Haplotypes of the Mutated SIRT2 Promoter Contributing to Transcription Factor Binding and Type 2 Diabetes Susceptibility, Genes, 2020, 11(5) (IF=4.096)

4. Sheng J, Shi WL, Guo H, Long WL, Wang YX, Qi JF, Liu JB,* and Xu Y,* The inhibitory effect of (−)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate on breast cancer progression via reducing SCUBE2 methylation and DNMT activity, Molecules. 2019, 9;24. 2899. (IF=4.412)

5. Liu JB, Li JL, Zhuang K, Liu H, Wang X, Xiao QH, Li XD, Zhou RH, Zhou L, Ma TC, Zhou W, Liu MQ, Ho WZ, Epigallocatechin-3-gallate local pre-exposure application prevents SHIV rectal transmission in macaques. Mucosal Immunology, 2018. 11: 1230-1238 (IF=7.313)

6. Liu JB, Xiao QH, Zhou RH, Wang Y, Xian QY, Ma TC, Zhuang K, Zhou L, Guo DY, Wang X, Ho WZ, and Li JL. Comparative analysis of immune activation markers of CD8+ T cells in lymph nodes of different origins in SIV-infected Chinese rhesus macaques. Frontiers in Immunology, 2016. 7: 371. (IF=7.561)

7. Liu JB, Zhou L, Wang YZ, Wang X, Zhou Y, Ho WZ, and Li JL. Neuroprotective activity of (-)-epigallocatechin gallate against lipopolysaccharide-mediated cytotoxicity. Journal of Immunology Research, 2016. 2016: 4962351. (IF=4.818)

8. Lan X#, Liu JB#, Zhu JL, Liu TG, Zhang L, Zhang Y, Lei CZ, and Chen H. Identification of a novel mutation within the goat adiponectin gene and its effect on body weight in Chinese indigenous breeds. Biochemical Genetics, 2012, 50: 94-102. (#Authors contributed equally) (IF=2.027)

9. Liu JB, Lan XY, Xu Y, Li ZJ, Lei CZ, and Chen H. Combined effects of three novel SNPs within goat LHX3 gene on milk performance. Genes & Genomics, 2011, 33:549-556. (IF=1.188)

10. 刘金彪, 徐瑶, 高建峰, 周立*, 结核感染的固有免疫识别, 武汉大学学报(理学版), 2016, 62(06): 495~501

11. 刘金彪, 霍文哲*, 自然杀伤细胞与结核感染的研究进展, 中华微生物学和免疫学杂志, 2012, 32(7): 667~670

12. Meng, FZ, Liu JB, Wang X, Wang P, Hu WH, Hou W, and Ho WZ, TLR7 Activation of Macrophages by Imiquimod Inhibits HIV Infection through Modulation of Viral Entry Cellular Factors. Biology. 2021. 10(7). (IF=5.079)

13. Bodnar, B, Zhang YG, Liu JB, Lin Y, Wang P, Wei ZY, Saribas S, Zhu YJ, Li F, Wang X, Yang WL, Li QS, Ho WZ, and Hu WH, Novel Scalable and Simplified System to Generate Microglia-Containing Cerebral Organoids from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 2021. 15: 682272. (IF=5.505)

14. Liu Y, Meng FZ, Wang X, Wang P, Liu JB, Hu WH, Young WB, and Ho WZ, Methamphetamine facilitates HIV infection of primary human monocytes through inhibiting cellular viral restriction factors. Cell and Bioscience, 2021. 11(1). (IF=7.133)

15. Liu H; Liu JB; Meng F.; Xu XQ; Wang Y; Xian QY; Zhou RH; Xiao QH; Huang ZX; Zhou L; Li JL, Li XD, Wang X, Ho WZ, and Zhuang K. CD4+ T cell depletion does not affect the level of viremia in chronically SHIV(SF162P3N)-infected Chinese cynomolgus monkeys. Virology 2021, 560, 76-85. (IF=3.61)

16. Wang X, Liu JB, Zhou LN and Ho WZ. Morphine withdrawal enhances HIV infection of macrophages, Frontiers in Immunology. 2019,10:2601. (IF=7.561)

17. Xu XQ, Liu Y, Zhang B, Liu H, Shao DD, Liu JB, Wang X, Zhou LN, Hu WH, Ho WZ. IL-22 suppresses HSV-2 replication in human cervical epithelial cells. Cytokine. 2019 123:154776 (IF=3.861)

18. Xu XQ, Guo L, Wang X, Liu Y, Liu H, Zhou RH, Gu J, Liu JB, Xu P, Zhou L, Ho WZ. Human cervical epithelial cells release antiviral factors and inhibit HIV replication in macrophages. Journal of Innate Immunity. 2019.11: 29-40. (IF=7.349)

19. Zhuang K, Zhang Y, Zhou L, Qi X, Xu XQ, Meng FZ, Xu Z, Liu JB, Shao L, Liu H, Liu H, Fang J, Deng D, Peng J, Zhou Liu. L, Tang H, Xiong Y, Ho W-Z, Guo DY, Ke H, Gui XE. Isolation and characterization of spontaneously immortalized B lymphocyte lines from HIV-infected patients with and without Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Cancer Medicine. 2019. 8(15):6741-6755 (IF=4.452)

20. Guo L, Xu XQ, Zhou L, Zhou RH, Wang X, Li JL, Liu JB, Liu H, Zhang B, Ho WZ. Human intestinal epithelial cells release antiviral factors that inhibit HIV infection of macrophages. Frontiers in Immunology. 2018. 9: 247. (IF=7.561)

21. Zhou RH, Guo L, Liu JB, Liu H, Hou W, Ma TC, Wang X, Wu JG, Ye L, Ho WZ, and Li JL. Epigallocatechin gallate inhibits macaque SEVI-mediated enhancement of SIV or SHIV infection. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 2017. 75, 232-240. (IF=3.818)

22. Ma TC, Le G, Zhou RH, Wang X, Liu JB, Li JL, Zhou Y, Hou W, and Ho WZ. Soybean-derived Bowman-Birk inhibitor (BBI) blocks HIV entry into macrophages. Virology, 2017. 513: 91-97. (IF=3.616)

23. Guo M, Xian QY, Rao Y, Zhang J, Wang Y, Huang ZX, Wang X, Bao R, Zhou L, Liu JB, Tang ZJ, Guo DY, Qin C, Li JL, and Ho WZ. SIV infection facilitates mycobacterium tuberculosis infection of rhesus macaques. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2017. 7: 2174. (IF=5.640)

24. Liu H, Xiao QH, Liu JB, Li JL, Zhou L, Xian QY, Wang Y, Zhang J, Wang X, Ho WZ, and Zhuang K. SIV infection impairs the central nervous system in Chinese rhesus macaques. Journal of NeuroImmune Pharmacology, 2016. 11: 592~600. (IF=4.147)

25. Zhou L, Li JL, Zhou Y, Liu JB, Zhuang K, Gao JF, Liu S, Sang M, Wu JG, and Ho WZ. Induction of interferon-lambda contributes to TLR3 and RIG-I activation-mediated inhibition of herpes simplex virus type 2 replication in human cervical epithelial cells. Molecular Human Reproduction, 2015. 21: 917~929. (IF=3.494)

26. Dai M, Wang X, Li JL, Zhou Y, Sang M, Liu JB, Wu JG, and Ho WZ. Activation of TLR3/interferon signaling pathway by bluetongue virus results in HIV inhibition in macrophages. Faseb Journal, 2015. 29: 4978~4988. (IF=5.191)

27. Xiao QH, Li JL, Yu Q, Bao R, Liu JB, Liu H, Zhou L, Xian QY, Wang Y, Cheng-Mayer C, Ho WZ, and Zhuang K. Distinct compartmentalization in the CNS of SHIVKU-1-infected Chinese rhesus macaque is associated with severe neuropathology. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 2015. 70: e168~e171. (IF=3.818)

28. Sang M, Liu JB, Dai M, Wu JG, and Ho WZ. Toll-like receptor 3 signaling inhibits simian immunodeficiency virus replication in macrophages from rhesus macaques. Antiviral Research, 2014. 112: 103~112. (IF=5.970)

29. Bao R, Zhuang K, Liu JB, Wu JG, Li JL, Wang X and Ho WZ. Lipopolysaccharide induces immune activation and SIV replication in rhesus macaques of Chinese origin. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9: e98636. (IF=3.24)



1. 主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(ASH1LHIV-1潜伏储存库形成和再激活中的作用及机制研究,81802008)21万,2019-012021-12

2. 主持广东省自然科学基金面上项目 (环状RNA circL3MBTL1通过翻译多肽激活HIV-1潜伏储存库的机制研究,2021A1515011272)10万,2021-012023-12

3. 主持暨南大学高层次人才启动基金,20万,2019-052022.04

4. 主持中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目 (绿茶多酚EGCG预防艾滋病毒直肠感染中国恒河猴的机制研究,2042017kf0030)15万,2017-012018-12


1. CN201510862881.2, 表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯在制备预防HIV性传播的药物中的应用

2. ZL201410510022.2, 一种恒河猴外周血单核巨噬细胞的培养方法及其应用

3. ZL201010255628.8, 一种快速检测山羊Lhx3基因单核苷酸多态性(SNP)PCR-RFLP方法

4. ZL201010255967.6, 一种快速检测中国地方黄牛Pax7基因的单核苷酸多态性的PCR-RFLP方法



1. 青年科学家差旅奖,26届国际神经免疫药理学协会,2020年,印度新德里,(在线会议)

2. 青年科学家差旅奖,22届国际神经免疫药理学协会,2016年,波兰克拉科夫,(大会发言)

3. 优秀学术海报奖,中南地区实验动物学会,2014年,中国武汉

4. 优秀教职工,武汉大学,2013年,中国武汉

5. 优秀教职工,武汉大学,2012年,中国武汉